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Working with Michael and his team couldn’t have been easier. They listened to every bit of feedback, made adjustments, and were able to completely customize a very effective learning experience that met the diverse needs of our team. They createda very informative and enriching program that our teammates are able to put to immediate use in their daily work.

Lowell Richardson
Director, Human Resources,
Dean Foods 

  1. Full Customization to each customer's actual numbers, objectives and crucial metrics (and constant updating of same throughout the program) creates maximum personal meaning, permanent retention and high engagement for participants. 
  2. Pre-assessment sets a financial literacy baseline for each learner and helps make the initiative more meaningful
  3. Real life experience. Every participant takes part in company-customized exercises to specifically improve Net Profit, increase Cash Flow and design and implement Key Performance Indicators to refine and enhance crucial processes
  4. Multiple Group mentoring sessions to increase team synergy and get the most out of the team dynamic
  5.  Multiple two-on-one Executive Coaching Sessions gives each participant a safe, personal setting to make the learning stick and grow 
  6. Additional group follow-through sessions with fresh numbers and new projects to ensure that better financial-impact decision-making isn't just another flavor of the month 

Mindful Finance initiatives work when they are a process, not an event. Over the past 20 plus years, our team has delivered those initiatives at every kind and size of company. Every successful Mindful Finance initiative has the same six steps. The six, individual steps in our program work in synergy to create successful learning, high retention and practical, measurable results. The steps are:

Mindful Finance Training: The 6-Step Process