(720) 310-7649

Mindful Finance: Decision-Making  Transformation

Call us at (720) 310-7649 or email mhiggins@mindfulfinance.biz

According to a survey published in the Harvard Business Review, 6 out of every 10 corporate financial decisions are wrong or pure guesswork. We can help you turn that around immediately and teach every manager how to make the right decisions every day to improve financial performance.

Imagine the power of an entire management team making operational decisions with a financial-impact perspective. No matter what business segment you are in, managing revenue, expenses and assets (especially the flow of cash) at all levels in the organization are crucial to success.

Finance and Accounting are the languages of business. If your managers, individually and as a team, become more conversant in those languages and know what actions cause improvement, they will make better business decisions. Better business decision-making equals improving financial performance - dramatically.

Mindful Finance is for owners, CEOs and their management teams at companies large and small. It turns these crucial players into more thoughtful, informed and accountable financial decision makers.

Use us to help your organization survive and thrive with better financial decisions and more confident, skillful decision makers.  

"To make the training operational, tactical and create immediate offsetting cost reduction, we spent the final 1/2 day of the training developing cost reduction ideas, even small ones, vetting them and assigning ownership. Worldwide, we reduced our costs 3-5% in each of the next three years."
Dan Ruhs, Plant Manager, Almatis

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