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(720) 310-7649

"The hands on practice is perhaps the program's strongest feature. When staff left the session, they were equipped to implement what they learned. They are receiving high praise and compliments from other departments about the improved quality and effectiveness of their presentations. Staff is actually looking forward to our presentations—a true testimony to the program’s impact and effectiveness."

Adda Alexander, R.N—Chief of Nursing, Maricopa Medical Center

People tend to resist change. In business, this can be a problem. Businesses are constantly innovating new products and services, which requires everyone -- from executives, to managers, to sales and production teams, to customers -- to do something which is inherently difficult. It forces people to change their behaviors.

Fortunately, brain research indicates that change in behavior and action is directly connected to meaning. To understand this, ask yourself why you have made personal changes. What gets you to wear seat belts? How did you change a bad habit—like smoking?

Our approach uses this critical principle of creating meaning to customize programs to your specific situation and needs. Our Mindful Finance programs do not have simulations or artificially created activities. Participants bring and are given real life issues to work on. We bring the principles, tools and skills --- our customers bring the content.

Our programs are designed specifically to each company's real numbers and key measures. Even though financial statements are common to all companies, each company has its own transactions that affect these statements uniquely. Instead of using generic formulas, our seminars use your own unique bottom lines and key performance indicators to help your people connect in a meaningful way.

Mindful Finance programs:

  • Address the emotional needs and drives of the learner
  • Provide physical hands-on experiences of key concepts
  • Create "aha" discovery experiences so learners feel self-taught
  • Focus on desired new actions and behaviors
  • Model the environment in which new actions will be taken

Our passion is making your people successful. Our promise is that participants will grasp the subject matter of financial impact decision-making with greater confidence and self esteem. We work closely with all your managers to ensure that they learn faster, with greater retention and quicker transfer of new skills to their jobs.

Call us @ (720) 310-7649 or email

Our Methodology